Civil disobedience | English homework help

Civil disobedience | English homework help.

This discussion forum explores a controversial topic: Civil Disobedience. Remember that any argument asks (or perhaps challenges) us to change something about our perspective on a topic or issue. If we are asking our readers to change their perspectives, we need to be persuasive and civil. Likewise, when we are challenged by others with a different opinion, we need to keep an open mind and keep our responses persuasive and civil.

Civil Disobedience and Non-violence (refer to attached documents)

  1. King, M. (2009). Letter from Birmingham Jail. Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1.
  2. Brown, T. M., & Fee, E. (2008). Spinning for India’s Independence. American Journal Of Public Health, 98(1), 39.
  3. Perlin, R. (2015). Two Occupys: Dissent (00123846), 62(3), 92-100.

Be sure to address all of the following elements:

Step 1: Summarize.

Summarize the articles you picked. Write one paragraph. Identify the sources by title and author in your paragraph.

  1. What is the main thesis of each?
  2. How are they are they different and how are they similar?

Step 2: Using sources to support your argument (point of view).

Now, discuss your perspective of the topic. Support your statements by citing supportive evidence from the articles you read. Remember to use appropriate citations when you quote, paraphrase or summarize. Write one paragraph. Here are some questions you can use as a starting point for your one-paragraph discussion.

  1. What is your opinion of the content and the topic? For a researched argument, you would support your opinion by using supporting information from the article. Use in-text citations if you quote, summarize, or paraphrase.
  2. Was the article persuasive? How?
  3. What reaction did you have to the content of the article? Draw upon personal experience or use other sources to support your discussion.

Civil disobedience | English homework help

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