Writing assignment 6 | English homework help

Writing assignment 6 | English homework help.

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Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in the “Creating an Informal Outline” section of Chapter 4, and then write a 1000-word response to the prompt above.  Be sure to incorporate our Core Value of Integrity in your analysis of leadership–how do those concepts relate?

You are encouraged to complete a first draft of the assignment to Tutor.com for feedback–look in the Resources tab of this course for access–then revise your work before turning it in. 

Consider the examples of leadership you have read about in this module, from the prominent public and nationwide leadership of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Abraham Lincoln to the challenges of personal leadership experienced by Robert in Carver’s “Cathedral” or Lt. Jimmy Cross in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried.”

Now imagine you’ve been asked to host a leadership workshop for your workplace, division, or community group.  How would you use the examples of leadership shown in this chapter to teach your audience or to illustrate key points of your presentation?  What other examples–whether modern or historical, real or imagined–would you use?  How would those examples further emphasize what you teach your audience?


Review the Strategy Questions for Organizing Your Argument Essay in the “Creating an Informal Outline” section of Chapter 4, and then write a 1000-word response to the prompt above.  Be sure to incorporate our Core Value of Integrity in your analysis of leadership–how do those concepts relate?

You are encouraged to complete a first draft of the assignment to Tutor.com for feedback–look in the Resources tab of this course for access–then revise your work before turning it in.

Writing assignment 6 | English homework help

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