Practice with commentary | English homework help

Practice with commentary | English homework help.

Below, you will find quotes that need commentary. Copy the quotations into a Word Document and then follow the quotation with your commentary.  Make sure to follow MLA format. Refer to the tutorial for clarification and an example. Upload the document (doc, docx format only) to the assignment tab.


Directions: Explicate (provide commentary) for the following passages. Be sure you are not summarizing but making connections between what is being said with character traits, theme, and other aspects of the story. The minimum of two to three sentences of explication for every one quote is not enough. I expect college level writing which requires well-developed paragraphs. An average well-developed paragraph for this activity is seven to ten sentences for each. Upload the document (doc, docx format only) to the assignment tab.

Do not attempt this assignment without reading the stories.

Quotations from “A Rose for Emily”

“When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument…” (Faulkner 128). Focus on the description: fallen monument in your analysis.

“Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town….” (Faulkner 128). Focus on the description: a tradition, a duty, and a care.

At last they could pity Miss Emily. Being left alone, and pauper, she had become humanized.” (Faulkner 130). What does it mean to be humanized? Apply this to Miss Emily.

Quotation from “Miss Brill”

“But today she passed the baker’s boy, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room—her room like a cupboard—-and sat down on the red eiderdown……….but when she put the lid on she thought she heard something crying” (Mansfield 68). What realization has she come to…..

Practice with commentary | English homework help

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