N.t. | Nursing homework help

N.t. | Nursing homework help.


Week 4 – Reflection #1 –  Due Saturday @ 2359         


Discussion Topic


Section III: Conceptual Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative- Interactive Paradigm Chapter 7: Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model and its Application Chapter 8: Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory Chapter 9: Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Reflection #1 Due: Saturday

Greetings Class, 

This week you have two assignments that are due. One is the paper that is to be submitted via Turn-it-In.com. Your paper will include the following concepts.

  • Person/Client
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Nursing

Additionally, you will have a reflection assignment which is just a short paragraph based on your readings from chapters 7, 8, and 9. When writing about your readings, think about how and why you came to your insights. Evaluate your experiences, comment on ideas, how you feel, what did you learn? In your conclusion, you will restate your thoughts, ask others how they came to their ideas. No discussion is required for this assignment, please just submit your short essays, and please include a title page. You will be able to upload your reflections under the assignment tab where it says upload for week four. Again, there is no formal discussion for this week.

N.t. | Nursing homework help

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